A moongate was traditionally built into a wall of a Chinese garden, and served as a welcoming entrance since closed doors imply exclusion. Then moongates made their way to Bermuda, except that there, they were often left freestanding or built into a low wall. Fishermen and sailors would pass through them for luck. Over time that promise of good fortune has extended to newlyweds: legend has it that passing through the gate together will bring the couple a lifetime of happiness.
After visiting China, Deb commissioned this moongate, which was created by an artist in the twin cities, Kristen Arden. Deb and Joel were married in front of the moongate! We walk through it every day, and are reminded of our wedding rings, the cycle of life, the rings of the trees, and we are reminded that we are surrounded by love and abundance. We also like to pretend it's a stargate and we might quantum leap into a different time or dimension! Or pretend to be Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, just for giggles.
Our Gogeous Mural by Audrey Carter
Iron Butterfly Flower Farm
2080 Viola Road Northeast, Rochester, MN 55906, United States